Saturday, December 12, 2020

Evil Hunter

The Dark Lord's threat is getting stronger... but that's enough.
The Hunters are awakening new abilities to confront strong enemies.
Now, the time has come to put an end to this fight!

 Evolving once more, 3rd Class Change!
 8 Classes segmented according to the Hunter's personality and role.
 Combat skills full of personality for each Class, fun but sharp ATK.
 New costumes that became even more splendid with the former class are UP.
 Defeat the "Molar” and “Gabriel” and collect the materials for the 3rd Class Change.

 Do Customized training for Class Change, acquire skills and become the master of the new class.

 Endless way of learning: Academy Uniform Costume added.
Special Stats UP when equipped with new costumes.

It's time to reorganize power right now! Meet the most powerful Hunters.

Hunters from around the world, it's time to strike back.
 Let's go to the Dark Lord's Castle.

Through a mysterious portal that suddenly appeared, 
feel the energy of the Dark Lord.
Adventurous hunters who want to fight for the future of Humanity,

See you at the fierce battle of the Dark Lord's Castle.

 Find the Portal to the Dark Lord's Castle.
Gather the pieces of the new scroll leading to the Castle's portal.

 Dominate the enemy in 10 minutes, at the
 risk of being dominated if you fail.
All the monsters in the Dark Lord's Castle,
 from the butler and the maid to the other soldiers, have become more powerful.

 To fight with the Dark Lord, you must be stronger.
Have more powerful hunters by finding the 25 runes.

Dark Lord has brought destruction to the world, and destroyed  everything.
Survivors' desperate survival game begins now.

Mission 1- Rebuild the destroyed town
Mission 2- Raise strong Hunters to fight Monsters.

 Become a Town Chief.
Handle everything starting from Town construction to
 craft, sale, and training Hunters.

 Gather Top Tank Hunters, and protect the town.
Hunters who visit town have 4 different Classes.
Their Class and Tier are random.
You can invite Top Tier Hunters with items too.

Tip. Hunter's characteristics are also random!
 Make sure you check your Hunter's characteristic.

 Strong Hunters grow Town strong.
Use facilities of town to raise Hunters.
 Give Hunters quest to hunt monsters. Extra Exp AND items.
 Town Chief's Academy opened! Teach Hunters skill and secret technique.


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